Is that a finger?

You know your suffering from Mum Life Fatigue when you nearly poop yourself after mistaking an apple core in the kitchen sink, for a finger. Why I thought there was a finger in the sink, I do not know and why there was an apple core in the sink for that matter, one can only guess. Alternatively, one could ask the teenager with the “whatever” attitude who was rostered on to do the dishes the night before. Either way, there was an apple core hiding amongst the dirty cutlery on the bottom of the sink this morning and I thought you would all like to know about it. What any of that actually has to do with this blog post, I cannot say but I thought it would be a good way to draw people in and just hope they stick around to read the real guts of the story.

So I’m not too proud to admit that my recent hashtag challenge was a huge flop, obviously I should keep such grand marketing schemes for when we have a lot more followers. I’m obviously a blogging infant that’s still discovering how things work and I may need to go back and learn how to crawl before I attempt to run.

I believe my intentions are pure however in that I do not want this to be your ordinary blog where everything is about me and my opinions and my creativity and expression, etc, etc. I mean, sure some of it is but I want to hear from YOU as much as I want you to hear from ME and I believe there are a million people out there who would love to hear from YOU too. For now however, it seems I must go it alone, so I will continue to awe you with my #mumlifestories moments and fabulous fiction until YOU reach out and share with ME and all those blessing us with their attention. ~ Jo Stewart

FaceBook Hashtag Challenge, share your story!

FaceBook Hashtag Challenge, share your story!

To celebrate our new site reaching over 100 views in 48 hours, we will be running a 48 hr FaceBook hashtag challenge where YOU can get your story published on the Mum Life Stories blog. For 48hrs (3pm AEST Sat 11 Aug – 3pm AEST Mon 13 Aug) simply create a post on FaceBook beginning with ‘Classic #MumLifeStories moment:’ (and then in 100 words or less tell a true story about a moment in your day as a mum). At the end of the 48hrs we will post ALL, that’s right ALL hashtagged stories in one blog post. So if you’d like to see your name and story on our blog, preserved in time forever (or as long as this internet thing lasts) then please LIKE our page, SHARE this post, TAG your friends and get HASHTAGGING. Don’t forget to make your post public so we can find it. So to re-cap:

LIKE, SHARE, TAG, HASHTAG (a public post)

Can’t wait to read all your stories! 🙂

Writers wanted

older lady typing

Are you a writer or simply someone who loves to write? Do you have a fun, interesting, entertaining or shocking story to tell about a mum? If so, we want to hear from you. If your interested in being published online, please see our submissions page at for details about what we are looking for.