Going Short by Nancy Stohlman: A Mum Life Success Story

I must say I’m very excited about this particular Mum Life Success Story. I’ve had the pleasure of featuring some truly beautiful, amazing and inspiring Mums through these Mum Life Success Stories and each one of them has had a unique and special story to tell, but never have I featured someone as well-known and accomplished as Nancy Stohlman.

I have to admit that when I received an email from her publicity manager, about promoting her new book Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction I didn’t actually know who she was. That is due more to my lack of time to read and search out great authors (because I’m busy with work, family and this blog) than it is about Nancy’s reputation. Once I googled her name, and announced the upcoming interview on twitter etc, I realised that Nancy was fastly becoming a household name.

After just a little research I discovered that Nancy was not only a talented performer, writer and professor, but that she was juggling it all with motherhood and so naturally, I had to request an interview for the next ‘Mum Life Success Story’ feature. Nancy happily obliged and answered all my probing questions about life, success and family and how she navigates it all. I was truly inspired and knew without a doubt that all of you would be inspired too. If by some off-chance you don’t know who Nancy Stolman is, let’s start with a bit of backstory direct from her publicity manager.

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Who is Nancy Stohlman?

Nancy Stohlman

Nancy Stohlman is the author of four books of flash fiction including Madam Velvet’s Cabaret of Oddities (a finalist for a 2019 Colorado Book Award), The Vixen Scream and Other Bible Stories (2014), and The Monster Opera (2013). She is the creator of The F-bomb Flash Fiction Reading Series and FlashNano in November. Her work has been anthologized in the W.W. Norton New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction, Macmillan’s The Practice of Fiction, and The Best Small Fictions 2019. Her craft book, Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction, is forthcoming from Ad Hoc Fiction in 2020. She teaches writing and rhetoric at the University of Colorado Boulder.

When she is not writing flash fiction she straps on stilettos and becomes the lead
singer of the lounge metal jazz trio Kinky Mink.  She lives in Denver Colorado and dreams of one day becoming a pirate.

Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction

Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction is Nancy’s latest contribution to the world of literature. Writer and Teacher Kathy Fish describes it as “The definitive, and appropriately concise book on the flash fiction form”. I have read some of the book myself and I can say Kathy is right, If you’re a writer (as many of my readers are) or want to start writing, Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction is a resource you want to have on your bookshelf.

Mum Life Success Story

With Nancy being the seasoned writer that she is and needing no help from me to tell her story, I decided to publish this feature in interview format rather than the story form I usually employ. First I asked Nancy to tell us a little bit about her family.

Tell us a little about your family?

I have two kids—Maiya is 22 and just got her first apartment; Felix is 15 and just got his learner’s permit (yikes!). My partner Nick and I have been together almost a dozen years. We’re all creatives: Nick is a classical pianist and Maiya is a visual artist, so I’m proud to have passed down a family value of artistry. My own parents were also creative; I remember musical jam sessions, a lot of clowning in my household growing up.

When did your love for writing begin?

I remember I was 10 years old on the bleachers at a soccer game when I announced I was going to become an author. I was a voracious reader, of course. I grew up on military bases overseas, so books were my constant friends through all the moving and the various cultural and language barriers. After my author announcement my mother let me use her electric typewriter and I wrote a musical: Superman, The Musical (ala Christopher Reeve). I felt so important as I sat there clicking the keys, feeding in the paper. I don’t know what happened to the musical, but I still feel the magic when I sit down to write.

What inspired you to write your upcoming publication ‘Going Short’?

I was inspired to write Going Short about 10 years ago, when students and fellow writers kept asking me to recommend flash fiction craft books. I didn’t know what to recommend—there were almost no craft books aimed at this growing genre (nor by women). So I decided to take it on myself. I thought it would be easy, something I could write in a year or two. Ha. It took me almost 8 years! But I’m extremely proud of the result—I hope this book becomes a friend to the writers and readers who fall in love with flash fiction.

Are there any major obstacles you’ve had to overcome to get where you are now?

Oh yes. Self doubt. Fear. Creative deserts. Jealousy. Self-sabotage. It’s not easy to go for your dreams. There’s so much risk. Every step you think you might be crazy. Every step you expose yourself to…all of it. Not everyone is rooting for you, so you have to cheer yourself on no matter what. It’s not always easy. It takes courage and bravery, not just one time but every time. Over and over. So my challenge is to reach deeper and keep finding that courage. It’s either that or give up—which keeps me motivated on the hard days.

Are there any funny, intense, or inspiring stories you can tell us about your experiences in writing and/or publishing?

For years I fantasized of spending “three weeks on an island all by myself just writing.” Sounds magical, right? Then, last year, I decided to do it. I was already in Italy co-hosting a flash fiction retreat (so amazing), and when it was over I found a super remote island in the Adriatic, rented a renovated wine cellar for $150 a week, and went on my own sabbatical. And I wrote every day. Every blissful day. I mean, I woke up, I wrote, I walked to get coffee, I wrote. I ate gelato, I walked to the empty beach. I wrote. It was magical, and I discovered what I call Holy Boredom. And because of it, I finished this book.

What would you say is your biggest challenge with balancing family life with your career? How do you find balance (if you do)?

Funny, but I think this question is part of the challenge—if I were a man I would likely never be asked this question. Because I’m a woman, there’s an expectation (even from myself) that I can and will do it all: be a loving mother, chef, teacher, partner, friend, housekeeper, nurture all my relationships…oh, AND write books, teach on campus, run retreats, and attempt to dream my own inspiration into being. And, because all women are amazing, we do it. All of it. But I like to envision a world where men are asked this question, too.

The short answer of how I balance it all? I fail. I succeed. Then I fail. I do my best. And sometimes I schedule a weekend to myself and that’s important, too.

How does your experience as a Mother help with your writing and vice versa?

Once I had kids I knew the luxury of waiting for the muse, was over. If I really wanted to be a writer, I had to begin now—there was a little person watching me. So I wrote during nap time and in the evenings after bedtimes. I mean, I wrote entire books during nap times, during pre-school. Later I wrote on trains and buses while commuting to campus. I learned to seize THIS moment, imperfect but available, because the perfect moment is just an illusion. So in a very real way my children forced me to get serious and make it happen.

And writing makes me a better mother, too, because I’m honoring that creative part of myself. I’m more present for my family when I’m present for myself. Put on your own oxygen mask before you help others.

What advice can you give to other women (mothers in particular) wanting to chase their dreams of becoming a professional writer?

Just begin. The perfect time, the perfect location, the perfect idea—you could be waiting forever. The real day-to-day of writing is messy—there is nothing idealized about it. And yet, allowing yourself to be creative is amazingly, imperfectly perfect. On a good day, it’s still just as magical to me as that first time at my mom’s electric typewriter.

Plus, the very best thing you can do for your children is to show them what it looks like to not give up on yourself. They will be watching and learning from your actions far more than from your words.

More Mum Life Success Stories…

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Shortlist: Micro Fiction Writing Competition Round 1

Shortlist: Micro Fiction Writing Competition Round 1

Micro Fiction writing competition

*UPDATE: This series has ended, another one begins soon*

Hello all.

Thank you so much to those who participated in our very first micro fiction writing competition. It was so exciting to read all the awesome stories that came in from so many talented writers. It was very hard to settle on just 10 stories for our shortlist but we did it and we are very happy to announce the list of 10 stories and their authors below.

I know I said that we would be announcing the shortlist and the winners at the same time, but due to life circumstances, we need a little more time to organise all the details that go with that, but do not worry, we will not keep you on the edge of your seats for too long and will have the winners announced within the next few days. If your story appears in the shortlist you will receive an email from us soon as well.

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Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

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‘Mother’ Micro Fiction Writing Competition Shortlist

So without further adieu, I am very pleased to announce our shortlist of micro fiction stories, in alphabetical order (please note the numbers do not indicate your rank in the competition). All those in our shortlist will have their stories published in an anthology at the end of the year and receive a digital copy of the anthology.

  1. ‘At Sears Department Store’ – By Sarah Russell of the USA
  2. ‘Blankets To Banners’ – By Aliyah Orr of the UK
  3. ‘Conversations With Mum’ – By Connie Boland of Canada
  4. ‘I Demand To See The Manager’ – By Bett Willett of the USA
  5. ‘Midnight Reverie’ – By Maureen McVeigh of the USA
  6. ‘Preparations’ – By Nancy Leinweber of Australia
  7. ‘She Carries On’ – By Samantha Adair of Australia
  8. ‘Talismans’ – By Catherine Gillespie of the USA
  9. ‘The Burning Library’ – By Sean Fallon of Australia
  10. ‘The Whole Mother’ – By Alexis Arrowsmith of Australia

Next Competition

The details of the next Micro Fiction Competition entitled ‘Grandmother’ will be released over the next few days also. If your not already on our mailing list, feel free to sign up HERE or in the form below to receive a notification about future competitions as well as all our latest stories, news and promos including giveaways and writing competitions, plus receive a FREE Ebook exclusive to our email subscribers.

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Micro Fiction Writing Competition: 4 Days Left!

*Please note: This competition has now ended. Please visit our competitions page for info on our current comp. Please sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of this page to keep informed of new competitions starting*

Well I hope everyone had a very merry christmas this year and took some time off to just relax and unwind. There’s nothing better than simply living, and enjoying time with your family for a few days.

A little time off can also kick-start those creative juices again, so if you’re looking for an outlet that could potentially win you a few dollars, why not punch that keyboard for an hour or two and write us an interesting tale. Just 500 words and you could be $50 richer and have your story published in an anthology at the end of 2020!

Just go to the original competition post for all the details, but hurry, there’s only 4 days left to enter and we need more entries.

You gotta be in it to win it!

Micro Fiction writing competition

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Image: unsplash.com


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With this ebook you will learn to approach your days in another way, reducing stress and getting results through prioritizing, leveraging and focus!

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Writing Flash – How to craft & publish flash fiction for a booming market (Kindle Edition)


*Please note: This competition has now ended. Please visit our competitions page for info on our current comp. Please sign up to our mailing list at the bottom of this page to keep informed of new competitions starting*

Hi all, I was very excited to see submissions coming in for our very first micro fiction writing competition, but am now a little sad as we do not have quite enough submissions to judge fairly and choose 10 short-listed stories. So, I am extending the deadline for submissions to give everyone a chance to enter if they intended to but didn’t get time to, or even to enter again if you want to.

The deadline was previously set for midnight tonight but you’ll now have till the end of the month and the new deadline will be midnight on the 31st of December, that’s right NYE. Then judging will begin and winners announced on the 10th of January, along with the details of our next competition.

If you’d like to see this competition reach its conclusion, please spread the word or even enter again. See the original post HERE and share it to your social media pages and help us get this competition and future ones off the ground. It’s amazing what word of mouth can do and sharing the competition with your community means there will be entrants, which means there will be a winner, and that winner could be you!

Thank you for reading this blog, please sign up to our mailing list to get notifications when a new competition begins or concludes. Plus keep up to date with all our latest news, stories and promo’s (including giveaways and writing competitions) PLUS receive a FREE Ebook exclusive to email subscribers!

Alternatively, go to our COMPETITIONS page for info on the latest competitions!

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Accomplish more IN a fraction of the time

The pace and intensity of our lives, both at work and at home, leave many of us feeling like a person riding a frantically galloping horse. Our day-to-day incessant busyness — too much to do and not enough time.

With this ebook you will learn to approach your days in another way, reducing stress and getting results through prioritizing, leveraging and focus!

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Our First Micro Fiction Writing Competition: Cash Prizes

Micro comp pin.jpg

*Please note this competition has ended. Please check out our competitions page for info on our current comps*

Well it’s finally here, the micro fiction writing competition I’ve been promising to organise for the past few months. It’s taken a bit of planning and organising but I’m finally getting a chance to get it up and running.

If you fancy yourself a bit of a writer and enjoy telling a tale then why not have a go at this competition. You could score yourself $50 (AUD) for first place or $20 (AUD) for 2nd or 3rd place, plus the top 10 short-listed stories, including the 3 winners (from 6 competitions, so 60 stories in total) will be featured in an anthology to be published by the end of 2020.


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This Competition will be the first of 6 Micro Fiction Writing Competitions run over the next year, ending with an anthology publication sometime between July and October 2020 (exact dates will be known closer to the time). Each competition will have a slightly different theme but revolve around the idea of Motherhood. The 6 different sub-themes are:

  1. Mother (October ’19)
  2. GrandMother
  3. Single Mother
  4. Step Mother
  5. Great GrandMother
  6. Foster Mother

The comps will be run in this order and competition start and finish dates will be released at the end of each preceding competition. Competitions will run for 10 days, judging for 2 weeks, at the commencement of which the winners will be announced!

Sign up to our mailing list to be notified when a new competition has begun.

This Months Competition

This month’s theme is ‘Mother’ (October ’19) and it can be interpreted any way you like. You don’t have to include the word ‘Mother’ but it must be clear your story is about a Mother (biological, adoptive or otherwise).

Since this is our first very first Micro Fiction writing competition, this months submissions will be FREE to enter. Consecutive months competitions will incur a $2 entry fee (to cover administration costs).

Please read the competition rules below and then follow the link to our competition T & C’s where there will be an entry form to fill in with your story. Good Luck!

Competition Rules and Guidelines

‘Mother’ Competition Dates: October 20th 2019 (please do not submit before this date) – October 30th 2019 @ midnight AEST. Judging will commence on the 31st of October, with the shortlist and winners being announced on the 15th of November.

Open to: Worldwide (but must be written in English), 16 years or older.


  1. 500 words or less.
  2. Narrative Fiction (no poetry please).
  3. Must be about a Mother (biological or adoptive).
  4. No gratuitous violence, sexual content, blood & gore or profanity.
  5. Must agree to the T & C’s.
  6. Your story must not already be published anywhere else.


  1. Story to be typed in a doc, docx, pdf, rtf or txt formatted document.
  2. 12 point, Times New Roman or Georgia Text.
  3. Title of story should appear at the top of the document and in the file name.
  4. Your name should not appear on the document (submissions will be read blind so if your name is on the doc it will not be accepted).
  5. Click HERE to go to the form where you can attach your story file, or go to the T & C’s page and enter there.


There will be 2 judges, myself and one of our regular story contributors Fiona M. Jones.

  1. Stories will be read ‘blind’ without author names attached so as to avoid bias.
  2. We will not be giving feedback on stories at this point in time, apart from general opinions on the winning entries that will be published on the blog.
  3. While our opinions and personal taste will play a small role in the judging, we will be looking at the structure, form, originality and storytelling technique of each submission.
  4. We both have different tastes but will work together, discussing all elements of the story to come up with 10 stories for the shortlist and then 3 winners.
  5. All decisions are final and will not be open to discussion.

You can read more about the judges on our ‘About‘ page.


1st Place – $50 (AUD), published on mumlifestories.com, a printed copy of the anthology + digital copy of anthology

2nd Place – $20 (AUD), published on mumlifestories.com + digital copy of anthology

3rd Place – $20 (AUD), published on mumlifestories.com + digital copy of anthology

Shortlist (Top 10) – Published in anthology + digital copy of anthology


Click HERE to go to the entry form (from 20 Oct).

Go to the T & C’s page.

Sign up to mailing list to get a reminder when the competition starts on the 20th October.

Good Luck and Have Fun Writing!


Writing Flash – How to craft & publish flash fiction for a booming market (Kindle Edition)

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The pace and intensity of our lives, both at work and at home, leave many of us feeling like a person riding a frantically galloping horse. Our day-to-day incessant busyness — too much to do and not enough time.

With this ebook you will learn to approach your days in another way, reducing stress and getting results through prioritizing, leveraging and focus!

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